From The Director General

We are a global organization known as the Hong Men (Japan Lotus Chinese Freemasons). We are a mutual support society also known as Chinese Freemasons or, recently in Japan, as Asian Freemasons. Then Hong Men stand alongside Kiwanis, the Rotary Club and the Lions Club as one of the world’s four largest international mutual support societies. We are also a charitable organization recognized as such by international law in 2003. This huge organization was previously a secret society but it is now gradually revealing itself.

We want to be seen in Japan, Asia and the world as a whole as a presence that can be trusted in all circumstances to unswervingly support the planet.

I believe that until now our organization was a global “brand” that was not visible to ordinary folk. We can be seen as a “key” that can open many types of doors around the world. Our members fit into normal society even as they continually self-educate themselves in order to increase their abilities. From the infinite past to the present our resilient and powerful organization has been based on “Gi,” which can be translated as virtue or justice.

Unfortunately some not very nice things have been said about us. That is because we were originally a revolutionary organization. It is true that during the Qing dynasty we fought the government in order to restore rule to the Han people. During that time the powers that be portrayed us as a cruel gangster type of organization. That reputation still lingers to some extent.

There has also been a lot of lurid embellishment of our history that has left the impression we are an organization of hoodlums. It is true that, in historical times, some of our members took an evil path when they got power. However, such people were a tiny minority and their evil deeds have been, as is often the case with such things, wildly exaggerated.

We are a band of brothers united by a single cause. We are united by what is called Chugi Senshu by the Chinese, Bushido by the Japanese and Chivalry in the West. There are all essentially identical.

We wish to share mutual blessings, prosperity and creation with all religions, societies, factions, parties and countries in the world based on the principles of world peace and equality between peoples. We do not wish confrontation. However, if there is an attack on these principles and a peaceful resolution is not possible, we will cut off relations.

As human beings from the planet earth we must ask each other how we can mutually contribute to the creation of a truly cosmopolitan “one world.” We are looking for people who are interested in using educational or voluntary activities to make Japan, Asia and the world a better place.

The Japanese branch sincerely aims to be an organization that is trusted by everyone and can live up to their expectations in the fields of society, economy and of course world peace.

Sincerely yours,

Akimine Kobayashi

Director General
Japan Lotus Chinese Freemasons
